Monday, August 22, 2011

Oral-Aural Final Exam, August 24th

There will be a total of 40 questions, each one half a point. The thirty points on the written final exam, plus the ten points for the conversation in my office. All work has to be done by 5 pm on August 24th.

Fix this Expression! (5 pts.)

I will give you an incorrect Jordanian use of English, and you will need to rewrite the sentence correctly. Here is an example:

I went to college before two years.

Correction: I went to college two years ago.

Dialogue Section (5 pts.)

This section of the test will feature a dialogue between two speakers. The dialogue will be simple but will include vocabulary from the book. Here is an example, using vocabulary from page 2:

Jim: That movie was _________________.

Jane: I didn't care for the story, but I thought the actor was a _______________.

Jim: I heard he's not a nice guy. He's a __________________.

Fill in the definition (5 pts.)

I will give you ten words or phrases and you will have to write your own definition of each one. Here are examples:

No big deal __________________________________

Hang out _________________________________

can't stand ____________________________________

Plug it in (5 pts.)

I will give a complete sentence. Replace the underlined phrase with a colloquial phrase from the book. Here are examples:

We really need to pay attention and focus because we have to finish today.

She put on her long silk black dress and high heels for the dinner party.

If you're a messy person, you should get a house cleaner.

Secret Section (10 pts.)

This section will be a surprise essay question about a topic that we discussed in class. You should use appropriate vocabulary that you learned during this semester for full credit. For example, when we discussed revolution, we learned "foment" and "demonstration." For all ten points, you should use those two words and any other relevant vocab.

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