Sunday, May 22, 2011

Oral-Aural Skills Exam, May 26th

There will be a total of 40 questions, each one half a point.

Dialogue Section (5 pts.)

This section of the test will feature a dialogue between two speakers. The dialogue will be simple but will include vocabulary from the book. Here is an example, using vocabulary from page 2:

Jim: That movie was _________________.

Jane: I didn't care for the story, but I thought the actor was a _______________.

Jim: I heard he's not a nice guy. He's a __________________.

Fill in the definition (5 pts.)

I will give you ten words or phrases and you will have to write your own definition of each one. Here are examples:

No big deal __________________________________

Hang out _________________________________

can't stand ____________________________________

Plug it in (5 pts.)

I will give a complete sentence. Replace the underlined phrase with a colloquial phrase from the book. Here are examples:

We really need to pay attention and focus because we have to finish today.

She put on her long silk black dress and high heels for the dinner party.

If you're a messy person, you should get a house cleaner.

Secret Section (5 pts.)

This section will be a surprise.

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